Vulnerable Grace: Give It Your Best, Even When You Are at Your Worst

Leading with vulnerability means letting go of the perception that you have to lead with perfection. Becoming comfortable in your imperfection and talking about it with others is an opportunity to establish authentic relationships, rather than those built with a Facebook filter that only shows...

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Observe, Ask, and Implement: Ways to Support Students in Overcoming Their Own Anxiety

Anxiety is a “quiet” illness; it’s neither physical nor always visible. Additionally, symptoms can be different from student to student, and from day to day. Because of this, anxiety falls victim to perception.

In her book Anxious, Christine Ravesi-Weinstein shares stories and...

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Grace with Empathy: 3 Strategies To Lead Without Judgment and with Understanding

School leader, author, and keynote speaker Jessica Cabeen gives it to you straight, "Here is the deal," she says,  "when you lead with empathy: you are not always going to be liked. With that said, it isn’t acceptable to harbor resentment or bad feelings due to a past circumstance....

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Understanding Why Students Quit

We all spend a lot of time praising traits like hard work, determination, perseverance, and grit—and noting their importance in overcoming any challenge or obstacle. Whether in the classroom, office, or on the athletic field, we know these are the elements of achievement and success.


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Knowing Your Why and 6 Strategies for Connecting with Anxious Students

Anxiety is a curious illness. Because we have all felt anxious at some point, we think we understand clinical anxiety, but the two experiences are very different.

Before educators can understand what to do to support students with anxiety, they must understand why what they are already doing...

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Are You Ready to be a Mentor?

What does it mean to be a mentor? Though Mr. Webster may define it as “an experienced and trusted adviser,” we aren’t convinced his definition has been actualized in the field of education. 

After all, though many mentors are by definition “experienced,” that...

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Too Many Standards for Teachers: Realistic Steps for Teachers Creating Curriculum

Instructional design is an important function in the role of teacher. It is not a product for teachers to receive; it is a crucial, creative responsibility of the job. That which teachers design, detail by detail, is the foundation for their other roles: guide, docent, disseminator,...

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Designing a Library That Brings Curriculum to Life: 5 Innovative Ways to Collaborate with Teachers

Libraries should be staging areas for dynamic collaborative programs, and yet so many only serve as storage and circulation centers for books within a school learning community.

A school library can be so much more for students and teachers, with numerous devices and various technologies that...

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Making Content Contagious: 5 Ways to be an uNforgettable Teacher

Students fall in love with content that teachers love to teach.

As teachers, we must treat the content we teach like the team we’re endorsing. When we allow our passion for what we teach to leak out, and we become the biggest fans of our content—when we, in short, become our own...

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Compassionate Teaching: 5 Ways to Find Joy and Well-being for You and Your Students

Compassion is power.

Some associate power with the victors, the ultra-competitive, the publicity seekers, the sarcastic, the masters of Machiavellian tactics … the people we celebrate in contemporary society. Such individuals are often considered virile and heroic, but these strivers are...

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