4 Steps to Get Administrators Involved in School Discipline

Every adult who works in a school enters the building before the students arrive in the morning, each with a plan for the day. Teachers have their lessons ready; administrators have time set aside for essential meetings, working on the budget, or interviewing potential new staff; counselors and...

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Lead with Grace Using The Soft Skills of Leadership

Leading with grace means embodying qualities such as humility, compassion, understanding, and dignity while guiding and inspiring students and colleagues. It goes beyond simply exercising authority and making decisions; it involves demonstrating kindness, empathy, and respect towards others, even...

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6 Ways You Can Find Contentment in Teaching

James Alan Sturtevant writes, "When I reflect on my time as both a teacher and a student, the memories that erupt are the moments of raucous laughter, the surprises, the incredible relationships, and the deep feelings of accomplishment. These were moments of pure contentment."

Being able to make...

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Understanding Students Socially And Emotionally Is More Important Than Ever

In education, academics have long been the primary focus. However, an increasing recognition of the importance of social and emotional well-being has led educators to realize that understanding where students are socially and emotionally is just as vital as assessing their academic progress. In...

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Learn from The Past And Move Into Modern Teaching

As we continue to reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic, it is fair to say that education has changed entirely. It is almost impossible to go back to where we were before the pandemic because students and teachers have changed so much.

The ways students learn and the ways teachers adapt continue to...

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Bingo! How to Gamify Your Lessons And Engage Students

Keeping students engaged is one of the hardest challenges educators face every single day. Traditional teaching methods often struggle to capture students' attention and foster their active participation. That's where gamification comes into play—a dynamic approach that integrates game...

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Using Technology to Get Students Involved in Global Issues

World issues can be complex and difficult to understand, but it is our job as teachers to present these issues to students and teach them the impact these problems have on others. Getting students interested in global issues can be a challenging task. The average student isn't going to be...

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Know Your Why and Effectively Communicate It to Anxious Students

Anxiety can manifest in students in a variety of ways. One way this happens is when teachers are inconsistent or lack clear expectations; it can make students feel anxious and uncertain. This can lead to students feeling lost and confused, which can make it difficult for them to learn. Educators...

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Teaching Students Empathy Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is a critical skill for students to develop, as it allows them to build relationships with their peers, resolve conflicts, and make sound decisions.

Unfortunately, many students lack empathy. This is due to a...

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4 Common Missteps Educators Take in Supporting Students with Anxiety, and How to Correct Them

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can affect people of all ages, including students. Anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways, including physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and nausea, as well as behavioral symptoms such as avoidance, social withdrawal, and difficulty...

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