6 Simple Steps To Make Learning Centers Work in Your Classroom

In today's educational spaces, group work is essential for students to thrive and succeed. By creating different spaces in your classroom where students can collaborate and explore learning at their own pace, they can benefit from a more dynamic and engaging learning experience....

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Use Learning Centers to Turn Students Into Brilliant Leaders

A student leader is a student who takes on a leadership role in their classroom. As teachers, we want to help all students develop and foster leaderships skills so students can succeed in school and in life. Just by observing your classroom, you can see which of your students are already...

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The 7 Powerful Benefits of Learning Centers

Rows and columns of desks where all but the five students in the front of the class can see the teacher that lectures for the entire class. Is this the ideal classroom for students?

Keeping students engaged and managing your classroom is the hardest thing you will have to do as a teacher. Many...

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Simple Classroom Space Changes That Make a World of Difference

By Karen Terwilliger

When deciding to set up learning centers, teachers might feel they need to make a huge change in the look of the classroom for it to work. They might feel like the task is too big and takes too much time to do.

These limiting thoughts might discourage teachers from even...

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Become a Guide on the Side with Student Learning Centers

Too often, when I walked into secondary classrooms as an instructional coach or leader, I was disheartened to find students sitting in rows, not truly engaging with the material being presented.

It was evident that the teachers loved their content and some students loved...

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Addressing Pushback About Learning Centers in Secondary Classrooms


By Starr Sackstein

Secondary teachers love their content and are already struggling to cover the curriculum in the time they have.

Sometimes that means they worry about sacrificing precious class time for students to engage with content in a way that allows for a more differentiated learning...

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