Making The Perfect Mentorship Program

Creating a mentoring program is not a goal, but a process of training the best mentors to support your new educators. Finding the best teachers to become mentors, matching them the mentee they will work best with, and training them properly are integral parts to creating the perfect mentorship...

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Why a Mentorship Program Might Be Just Right for Your School

Think back to when you decided to go back to school to become an educator. You found the perfect college, the best courses, finished student teaching, applied for job, and finally started teaching. Since that time, you have been on your way to educating students and honing your craft. ...

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Grace in Relationships: Reflect Don't Deflect

People are complicated. We are not an algorithm you can run through a supercomputer that turns over the perfect way to respond. Timing, tone, and relationships have more to do with how the message is received than what you say. Too often we get caught up in being friends, being liked, or other...

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Facilitate An Effective Co-Teaching Relationship

By Erica Terry


That’s exactly how I felt when I received my schedule two days before school started. After a glance, I quickly realized that as the new educator on the block, my administrator had assigned me to co-teach four periods of ninth-grade Biology—with three...

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