Debunking 4 Common Misconceptions About Introverts

In every classroom, you'll find a diverse group of students with unique personalities and learning styles. Among them, introverts are a group that often feels misunderstood and overlooked.

Many people, teachers included, believe that introverts share common characteristics of being shy,...

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Be A Magenta Teacher: Compassionate, Optimistic, Balanced, Adaptable, Content

The term "magenta teacher" was coined by James Alan Sturtevant, author of Teaching In MagentaSturtevant defines a magenta teacher as someone who is passionate about teaching, who is committed to helping students learn, and who creates a positive and supportive learning environment.


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Hack The Hiring Process And Develop A Team of Exceptional Educators

Teacher shortage is not exclusive to the United States; it is a global issue that affects many countries around the world. While the severity and specific causes may vary from country to country, the shortage of qualified teachers is a concern in numerous educational systems worldwide.


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Get R.E.A.L With Learning Standards and Set Standard-Based Goals

State learning standards are a set of expectations for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. However, not all standards are created equal, and teachers must understand that some take priority over others. By recognizing this distinction and setting achievable goals...

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What It Means to Hack Learning

The term "hacker" has traditionally been associated with malicious individuals who break into computer systems. However, in recent years, the term has taken on a new meaning. A hacker is someone who takes what already exists and makes it better. Hackers identify problems in existing systems and...

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Flip Deficit Thinking IEP Meetings with Productive Positivity

By Dr. Kelsie Reed

As a school psychologist, I participate in most, if not all, IEP meetings at my assigned schools. I’ve experienced productive meetings, collaborative meetings, one-sided meetings, contentious meetings, argumentative meetings, and everything in between.

The common...

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Thank You, Magical Educators

By Stefani Roth

This week a wonderful thing happened. World-famous performer Adele, when asked about someone who had inspired and supported her when she was young, readily spoke about a teacher who changed her life.

From out of the crowd came the lovely Ms. McDonald, who embraced Adele and told...

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Harold and Maude, Sunflowers, and The Value of Each Human Being

By Stefani Roth

One of my favorite movies is Harold and Maude. A little-known gem about a young man coming of age meeting and falling in love with a vivacious, soon-to-be 80-year-old woman.

Wait, what? Yup, all kinds of things to unpack in that storyline, but the most important, as is usually the...

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