Sell Grades and Invest in Process-Based Assessment

Elizabeth Jorgensen on implementing process-based assessment from Hacking Student Learning Habits

"This is my dream job."

It was a Wisconsin late-summer evening, and our school’s college essay workshop had just ended. “How can we get this to happen in the fall in our...

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Moving Beyond Grades And Into Assessment

Assessment plays a crucial role in gauging students' progress, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and informing instructional decisions. However, it is essential to distinguish between assessment, grading and evaluating, as they serve distinct purposes and have different implications...

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15 Ways to Turn Your Uninspired Students Into Passionate Learners

Our goal, as teachers, is to not just actively engage our students in learning but have them enjoy the experience and be motivated to continue learning. We strive to make our students want to learn and be passionate about education. Passion for learning is the driving force that can...

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Enrich Assessment and Avoid The Grading Quit Point

There are moments in every day life when we feel like we have reached the lowest point and there is no point in continuing. This is called the Quit Point: the moment when an individual's productive energy toward a specific goal drops, causing withdrawal or minimized effort.

As students...

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High Impact Takeaways and Learning Targets: An Alternative to Grades

Grades have long been the primary measure of student achievement; however, there is countless amounts of research proving the ineffectiveness of grades. In a process-based class where students are engaged in project-based learning, grading is particularly challenging and does not have much of a...

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3 Strategies to Put The Power of Grading Into Students' Hands

Traditionally, grading has been a top-down process, with teachers assigning grades to students based on their own criteria. If we want to create a more effective and equitable educational system, we need to put the power of grading into students' hands. This approach, known as self-grading, gives...

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Establish a No-Grades Classroom Because Feedback Is Just Better

Grades have been an ubiquitous part of the educational system, but there is a growing body of research that suggests that they are ineffective and even harmful. In this article, we will explore the ineffectiveness of grades and discuss how to start a no grades classroom using feedback based...

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The Secret to Creating Good Student Learning Habits

By Elizabeth Jorgensen

Can I tell you a secret? I hate grades.  

I don’t like judging my students or ranking them. I don’t like placing value on them or on their work. And I’ve found that if I place judgment on progress, students stop trying. 

While my colleagues...

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