How to Harness Artificial Intelligence in Education to Prepare Students for the Future (and Make You an Even Better Teacher)

Have you ever felt like you’re trying to make sense of the AI world without your glasses on? There is so much controversy surrounding AI that educators can be blind to the benefits it can bring to students, teachers, and administrators. If you’re looking for a guide to...

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4 Steps to Get Administrators Involved in School Discipline

Every adult who works in a school enters the building before the students arrive in the morning, each with a plan for the day. Teachers have their lessons ready; administrators have time set aside for essential meetings, working on the budget, or interviewing potential new staff; counselors and...

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6 Simple Steps To Make Learning Centers Work in Your Classroom

In today's educational spaces, group work is essential for students to thrive and succeed. By creating different spaces in your classroom where students can collaborate and explore learning at their own pace, they can benefit from a more dynamic and engaging learning experience....

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Move from The Boring Process and Personalize Professional Development

Too often we only get professional learning or recertification credit for sitting at a workshop (seat hours)—even if we have accomplished nothing. After 6 hours of doing nothing but listening, professional development doesn't seem worth it, necessary, or even beneficial at all. 


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Develop Students' Inner Voice and Help Create Effective Learning Habits

There are several common responses that teachers receive when they ask the class a question. Sometimes students will respond quickly with the first thing that comes to their head and other times the default is "I don't know." Students tell themselves, "I can't" without even trying. 


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Grace in Relationships: Reflect Don't Deflect

People are complicated. We are not an algorithm you can run through a supercomputer that turns over the perfect way to respond. Timing, tone, and relationships have more to do with how the message is received than what you say. Too often we get caught up in being friends, being liked, or other...

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Lead with Grace Using The Soft Skills of Leadership

Leading with grace means embodying qualities such as humility, compassion, understanding, and dignity while guiding and inspiring students and colleagues. It goes beyond simply exercising authority and making decisions; it involves demonstrating kindness, empathy, and respect towards others, even...

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6 Ideas to Empower Student Leaders in School Libraries

School libraries are essential learning spaces for students of all ages. Your school's library is much more than a space for students to checkout books. It is a space that fosters a love of reading, provides countless resources, and can offer services and help that might not...

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Use Learning Centers to Turn Students Into Brilliant Leaders

A student leader is a student who takes on a leadership role in their classroom. As teachers, we want to help all students develop and foster leaderships skills so students can succeed in school and in life. Just by observing your classroom, you can see which of your students are already...

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Hack The Hiring Process And Develop A Team of Exceptional Educators

Teacher shortage is not exclusive to the United States; it is a global issue that affects many countries around the world. While the severity and specific causes may vary from country to country, the shortage of qualified teachers is a concern in numerous educational systems worldwide.


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