Creating a mentoring program is not a goal, but a process of training the best mentors to support your new educators. Finding the best teachers to become mentors, matching them the mentee they will work best with, and training them properly are integral parts to creating the perfect mentorship program at your school.
Effective mentoring does not mean simply asking a veteran teacher to teach a new teacher “how they do it.” Educators bring individuality to instruction. We cannot ask our newest educators to teach exactly like their colleagues. To make sure we’re giving new educators the best mentors, we must match them with teachers who fit their needs.
There needs to be a way to select mentors using expectations and criteria based on more than just experience or past educator evaluation scores. Yes, mentors must be “good teachers” and effective at providing instruction to students. However, mentoring is about delivering personal and instructional support to adults and supporting their needs—not forcing them to do it the way their mentors did.
Find The Best Mentors
Too often in the classroom, it can feel like teachers are alone or working in a vacuum. This makes mentors more crucial than ever. Matching educators with the right mentor, who is motivated to support and grow talent, can eliminate that loneliness.
Develop a powerful slate of potential mentors. Define the expectations of mentors in your school/district and be upfront about the duties of mentors. To identify the teachers who would make the best educators ask important questions. Instead of asking, “Who wants to be a mentor?” flip the narrative and talk about interviewing to create a mentor pool.
Self-Awareness Questions
Availability Questions
Atmosphere Questions
Experience Questions
Using these questions you can learn more about your colleagues and the qualities that make them great educators that can be utilized as mentors.
Select A Program Director
Any successful initiative or program has an individual dedicated to its success. Before mentors can set out to support other educators, they must receive training on the skills and resources they need to lead. An integral part of a mentoring program is selecting at least one lead trainer and supervisor for the mentors. This position should go to one who is more than a stipend teacher who does it part-time.
Put the mentor leader through a mentoring or induction program, or allow them to attend a professional development session or training. Ultimately, the mentor director will carry out the training for the program and live the vision, so they need to be part of the team.
Choose a person who exhibits excellent classroom practice and strong content knowledge as well as empathy, and one who others look to for guidance and support. A mentor leader should have experience working with linguistically and ethnically diverse students, and a track record of attending conferences or putting themselves out there to share learning. Look for those who have demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and improvement as an educator and leader.
Train to Perfection
Once a mentor director is in place, it is time to develop the training day. This day will happen before the school year begins and before the mentors meet with new mentees. It’s a day to set the expectation and give a “team” mentality to the crop of new mentors.
As you launch your program and it evolves into a culture of support, use the mentor training day for new mentors, and dedicate a follow-up day to veteran mentors to reinforce the vision and expectations of the program. Each district will have a different agenda but the overarching flow should be consistent.
Here's how to get started:
Another valuable part of the mentor/mentee relationship is observing classroom activities and supporting a mentee with feedback and suggestions. Mentors may not have these skills, so providing professional development during the mentor training day will help them strengthen that part of the future relationship.
Create monthly topics. Create a focus for each meeting, and you will shape the agenda and allow mentors to come with questions or strategies related to that focus.
By following these short steps you will have your school's mentorship program running smoothly and efficiently. Creating the ideal mentorship program will take time, but it is well worth it to give mentees the help they need to be successful educators. Follow more steps from Modern Mentor to make the perfect mentorship program for your school.
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