Transforming Your Classroom's Writing Workshop into a Maker Space: 8 Creative Ideas

Writing workshops provide valuable opportunities for students to develop their writing skills and express their creativity. However, a simple writing workshop is limiting to students who need more tools for their creativity to thrive. By incorporating elements of a maker space into the writing...

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12 Essential Questions You Need to Answer to Overcome Teacher Burnout

With all we have to do as teachers every day, we sometimes slip into survival mode. And “surviving” the day has become a common statement in our classrooms and schools. When you’re merely surviving, you don’t have the mindset or energy to think about what you might be...

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6 Self-Care Solutions to Practice All Year Long

Self-care is a continuous journey that requires commitment and consistency. It is essential for our physical and mental health, as well as our relationships and overall well-being. When we take care of ourselves, we are better able to cope with stress, manage our emotions, and make healthy...

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Develop Students' Inner Voice and Help Create Effective Learning Habits

There are several common responses that teachers receive when they ask the class a question. Sometimes students will respond quickly with the first thing that comes to their head and other times the default is "I don't know." Students tell themselves, "I can't" without even trying. 


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Grace in Relationships: Reflect Don't Deflect

People are complicated. We are not an algorithm you can run through a supercomputer that turns over the perfect way to respond. Timing, tone, and relationships have more to do with how the message is received than what you say. Too often we get caught up in being friends, being liked, or other...

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Use Restorative Practices to Build Schoolwide Policies That Work for Everyone

How can we, as educators, make an impact on student performance in our buildings? No one can be anywhere all at once, so schools adopt and create schoolwide policies that everyone in the building is to follow. The problem is that policies that address the entire school often miss individual...

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Use Asset-Based Feedback to Help Introverts Thrive

When you think of an introverted student you probably think of the quiet, reserved, and shy kid that prefers to listen during the duration of class instead of talk out. This is the stereotypical anti-social introvert. It is important to remember that not all introverts fit the stereotypical mold....

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The Power And Importance of Student Engagement

No teacher wants to walk into their classroom and see their students with their heads down completely unprepared to participate in today's lesson. In an ideal world, every day students would be actively listening, participating in activities and discussions, and asking thoughtful...

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What Burnout Type Are You And The 6 Stages of Teacher Burnout

Why are some teachers able to create a life they love while teaching, while others live day to day and just go through the motions, feeling like they’re barely keeping their heads above water? Why do some teachers thrive while others feel like they’re just surviving? And why are some...

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Self Care for Teachers Through Thoughtful Journaling

Journaling is a great way to reflect on your experiences, both good and bad. It is a way to process your thoughts and feelings by putting them on paper and making them tangible. Journaling helps you understand yourself and grow as a person.

As teachers we can use journaling to reflect on our...

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