Stages of Studenting to Empower Learners

By Wade McJacobs

During winter break, Jake’s father died in an altercation with police. He returned to school numb with grief. Teachers wondered what was reasonable to expect of him. How much extra time should they allow for Jake to complete assignments? What kind of adjustments could...

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What Does it Mean to Be 'Educated' in the 21st Century?

By Starr Sackstein

"Education": 12 years of compulsory primary and secondary education that covers a breadth of knowledge spanning history, literature, assorted math, language, physical education, assorted physical and living sciences, and other electives.

Upon successful completion of high...

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Readability: Practical Steps for Teachers

By David Wray

One of the key things that teachers need to get right in teaching reading is the match between the reader and the text. Text which is too difficult will put readers off. Text which is too easy will not help them learn. Getting this match right depends on an understanding of...

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Education: We Have a Quit Point Problem

By Adam Chamberlin

Despite two years of disrupted pandemic learning, educators hoped that this past year schools would return to normal—as if remote learning, hybrid schedules, and wearing masks would stop, and it would suddenly look like school again. At least that’s what they told...

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3 Ways to Improve School Culture

By AJ Bianco and Dave Frangiosa

There's no denying that the landscape of public education has shifted dramatically in the last few years. While many of the challenges we're facing were present before the start of the pandemic, they have been magnified by these events. Students have had to...

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Healing My Relationship with Math

By Gigi Butterfield

In my sophomore year of high school, I began the process of healing my relationship with math.

After a childhood of fraudulent fondness, stemming from external accolades, my positive feelings towards math came crashing down in 8th grade when I experienced true mathematical...

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5 Benefits of Social-Emotional Learning Books

As a teacher, you don’t just want your students to acquire knowledge. You also want them to grow up emotionally mature. Here are some benefits of social-emotional learning in the classroom.

Better School and Class Climate

Incorporating social-emotional learning in class creates a more...

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3 Questions About Teacher Burnout

Burnout is more than having a bad day once or twice. It’s ongoing anxiety. It lends an undercurrent of stress to everything you do, and if you’re not careful, it could compromise your work and personal life.

What is Burnout?

If you teach and you’re constantly stressed to the...

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5 Things You Learn from Classroom Management Books

There’s no end to what you can learn, and that applies to your classroom management techniques. If you’re looking for a way to improve engagement in class and you want to get more participation and more excitement out of the students, start checking out books. Here’s what...

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Leading Up with HEARTS

By Lisa Parry

What is my principal thinking?

She can’t be serious!

There is no way this is going to work.

Her plan will fall flat.

We can’t sit idly by and watch this happen.

This won’t be good for kids.

Who is going to tell her? Huh? Who?

Me? You want me to tell her?


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