5 Leadership Hacks Few Schools Use but Every School Needs

An underlying theme in Hacking Leadership is the idea of leading from the middle, which is symbolized in the book's cover image. The idea is that the blue fish--the leader in this case--doesn't need to be out front. She swims along with the rest of the fish, and they light up from the...

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How you can LEARN to Be a Modern Mentor

Mentoring is a process--not a sprint to a goal. A mentor is empowered to offer professional expertise as well as support to a less experienced colleague or a peer. A mentor serves as a teacher, sounding board, and advocate for another colleague.

The focus and goal of mentoring is not to point...

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Understanding Your Quiet Kids

Teacher, author, and keynote speaker Chrissy Romano Arrabito was the student who always raised her hand first, always had the answer, was eager to share, was well-behaved, and made good grades. She was, from any teacher’s perspective, a well-adjusted child. Little did most, if any, of her...

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It’s Time To Kick The IDK Bucket

Students say “I don’t know” all too often, and some teachers call them out for doing so. Now, we can kick the IDK bucket. Connie Hamilton explains in this excerpt from Hacking Questions: 11 Answers That Create a Culture of Inquiry in Your Classroom.

The Problem: Students use...

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Throw Out Your Office Referral; Circle Up Instead

Traditional discipline calls for rules and consequences, detentions, suspensions, and other carrots and sticks. Most teachers and school leaders know this ancient system does not work. What’s the answer to poor student behavior and school and class disruption? It may be as simple as...

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Teaching, Running, And Chasing Greatness


The Running Begins, by Mike Roberts

The year was 2007. I was an out-of-shape and overweight thirty-three-year-old, and in an attempt to turn my health around, I decided I was going to run from my house to the local high school, run four laps around the track, then head back home. All...

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It’s Time To Allow The F Word In Your Classroom

When someone asks how your day was, do you say, “it was so satisfying?” Do you exit a roller coaster and exclaim, “That was a very satisfying ride?” When you last dined at a 5-star restaurant, did you tell the server that you just couldn’t wait for a satisfactory...

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How Finding Balance Can Make You An uNforgettable Teacher

Consider for a moment your responsibilities as a teacher. Now, ask yourself how many of those are real necessities.

Find Balance

Veteran teacher, author, and presenter Chuck Poole believes that one of the keys to becoming an unforgettable teacher is to find your balance. In his book, ...

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How To Transform Your Library Into A Real Learning Community

Is your school library mostly a place to store books? Is it empty and silent? What if you could transform your library into a dynamic learning hub?

Award-winning school librarians Kristina Holzweiss and Stony Evans are on a mission to incorporate library media centers into your learning...

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Changing The Conversation With Parents

Is it time to reconsider parents’ role in teaching and learning in your space?

Parent and family involvement in education can now be so much more than a phone call, open house, or parent-teacher conference.

In her new book, Hacking Early Learning, Principal of the Year Jessica Cabeen...

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