Ride a Unicycle: A Mantra for Mastering Parenthood

If you're reading this, you're probably already a parent, or about to be one, or know someone who is. Congratulations. Parenthood is the hardest job of all because the responsibilities keep changing without letting you know.

So there really isn't one specific year that will test you the most...

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Hacking the Scavenger Hunt with QR Codes

Hacking the Scavenger Hunt with QR Codes

By James Sturtevant

As I read through the 20 page assignment on the Industrial Revolution, I kept thinking to myself...Wow, this is boring! If I was feeling that burn; imagine what my students were going to feel.

I decided it was time to break out of...

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How To Overcome PBL Paralysis: Sneak Peek Inside Hacking Project Based Learning


PBL paralysis. That’s a scary phrase that makes many teachers run as fast and far as possible away from project-based learning.

Hacking Project Based Learning authors and PBL and inquiry learning experts Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy, though, explain how to overcome the paralysis and...

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5 Simple Ways To Integrate Core Values Into Everyday Teaching And Learning

Kansas middle school teacher Casey Ewy decided to make a change: “When I finally realized that kids will become independent, enthusiastic learners if they are part of a non-threatening community, I threw out everything that most teachers consider classroom management,” Ewy says.


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