Breaking Down Standards: Translate into Instructional Practices

Teachers often have a clear understanding of what they are supposed to teach, whether it’s from an existing curriculum, a vendor product, or years of collected strategies.

They don’t think they necessarily have to know what’s in every one of the standards, nor do they have time...

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Taking Time for You: Self-Care as A Teacher

Journaling is meant for you, the teacher, because you deserve to set aside time for yourself.

By giving yourself Permission to Pause and taking a few minutes or more each day to focus on the present, you gain clarity on your priorities and unravel what is worth nurturing and what you need...

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Teaching with Compassion: Tools for creating magnificent days

Magenta is bold, it’s vibrant, and the color holds noble qualities. 

Teaching in Magenta means creating magnificent days. This post provides a refreshing approach to teaching that puts your joy and well-being first so you can share those attributes with your students.


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Restorative Justice and Creating a Culture of Communication

Educators don’t always give students a voice when they make a mistake. Punitive systems require blaming one party and punishing them to address the behavior.

However, retaliatory consequences create a temporary bandage for an issue. They do very little to unveil the full story and bring all...

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3 Reasons Why Project Based Learning Works

Before you continue reading this post, take some time to reflect on your own school experience.

Whether it was a few years ago, or a few decades ago, what are those learning experiences that you remember most? What were those experiences that kept you most engaged? Which experiences had the best...

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Teaching With the Right Tools for Success

It has often been said that to be a runner, all you need is a pair of shorts and some shoes.

While this may be true in theory, from my experience, running goes well beyond those two simple pieces of equipment. Yes, shorts and shoes may be enough to get you started, but at the same time, they may...

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Repair the Harm: Teaching students to take direct responsibility for their actions

Suspensions, detentions, and referrals to the office all have one common flaw: they are exclusionary processes.

Asher threw pencil + Finlee threw pencil = two referrals to the office. They are both removed from the class and “taught” a lesson through the consequence. Throwing pencils...

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It's A Classroom Not A Bootcamp: Classroom Management 2.0


Ah, yes—the first day of class. That special time of the year when everything starts fresh.

New students. New ideas. New opportunities.

And the same old first-day routine. If you are like many teachers, the first day of class,...

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Changing the Way You Offer Writing Workshops

Author and writing coach Angela Stockman on redesigning writing workshops

I remember my first introduction to writing workshop. I was a junior in college, completing my final seminar before student teaching, and the professor who I admired most throughout my undergraduate career assigned the book...

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Kindergarten Is Not The New First Grade: Supporting Students In The Early Years

We have a pivotal role at a critical time in education.

For many years, early learning was a luxury—a fun thing for little learners. Now, more research is indicating what educators already knew: that early learning is the most important learning. 

Research-based strategies that are...

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