Lead From Your Feet, Not Your Seat

By Jessica Cabeen

For far too long, elementary, and more specifically, early childhood, leaders have been looked down upon.

The hierarchy of leadership positions almost looks like the opposite trajectory of a student’s school experience. The most prestigious positions are those in the...

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Engage the Maker in Your Midst: 4 Ways Building Breeds Better Writers

By Angela Stockman

My discovery about making continues to resonate with me, but in recent years, I’ve learned that making isn’t merely an intervention for kids who dislike writing. It’s a powerful means for elevating every writer’s process and work.

In fact, we notice...

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Powerful Assessment Through Simple Visuals

By Shveta Miller

In my Edutopia article “Drawings as Formative Assessment,” I promote the use of drawings as assessments because of the insights they offer teachers about what students do and do not understand. 

As I read through the comments on the Facebook post of the...

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No More School Walls: Create Partnerships with the Community

In an age where information is readily available to anyone at any time, we can leverage communication channels to break down the school-as-fortress attitude and move to support each other for the benefit of our kids.

Flattening the walls of your school entails eliminating the communication...

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Building Self Awareness to Beat Teacher Burnout

Having strong self-awareness is essential to beating burnout because if you don’t know who you are, it’s impossible to get your feet under you and figure out how to go forward.

And although you used to have a reason for teaching, burnout has turned your identity into a pile of ashes....

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Take the Red Pill: Embrace Flex Teaching Today

By Stefani Roth

This morning, I was reading Times Ten’s newest book, Hacking Flex Teaching, and I couldn’t help but smile as author Hollie Woodard describes her initial struggle with, even rejection of, educational technology. She explains the root of that...

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The Best Back-to-School Tool Is a Positive Self-Narrative

By Stefani Roth

When I was younger, older folks told me, “Time goes faster as you age.” And, like most young people, I mostly ignored their warnings and probably thought my life would be different. Of course, it wasn’t.

Educators know back-to-school time often means struggling...

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Educator Canvas: Using Principles From Startups In Your Classroom

The world is changing fast, and education hasn’t caught up. Teachers know schools need more innovation, change-making, and relevance. But HOW?

Blanchet and Bakkegard grew tired of everyone telling teachers what to fix without sharing the “how,” so...

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Teacher Quiet Zones: Escape the Chaos and Maximize Your Planning Time

The frenetic pace of the typical school day brings a cornucopia of noise and distraction.

Sure, this is the nature of school and some chaos should be embraced, but at some point during a teacher’s day, quiet is needed for planning, grading, and simply getting centered.

In fact, most...

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Tossing Out Traditional Grades: Gaining Buy-In and Open Communication

When making a big change like throwing out grades, many people will not “get it” and may push back in ways that impede the progress of students.

Schools and colleges have supported the traditional grading system for far too long, making it challenging to suggest this seemingly...

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