Become A Master of The ID Process And Create Effective Lessons Today

Instructional design (ID) is the systematic process of creating and delivering instruction that is effective and efficient. Instructional design professionals use a variety of methods and tools to create learning experiences that meet the needs of the learner and the learning objectives. As...

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The Perceived Benefits of Homework And The Truth

For a long time homework was something that just was. Teachers gave practice assignments to students and they were turned in the next day for ten points towards your overall class grade. Educators spouted the idea that homework was a tool to reinforce learning, promote...

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3 Engaging Activities That You Can Utilize Today

Being able to keep your students engaged is going to be a different challenge you face everyday. There are simple changes you can make to all aspects of your teaching that can easily get students more engaged. Learning is something that should be fun and wanted. When students are...

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The Incredible Benefits of Graphic Novels and Visual-Based Storytelling

Comics, manga, visual stories–they come in a variety shapes, sizes, and names. Graphic novels are a popular form of literature that combine text and images to tell a story. They have been around for centuries, but they have only recently become a recognized form of literature. In the past,...

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Bingo! How to Gamify Your Lessons And Engage Students

Keeping students engaged is one of the hardest challenges educators face every single day. Traditional teaching methods often struggle to capture students' attention and foster their active participation. That's where gamification comes into play—a dynamic approach that integrates game...

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What It Means to Hack Learning

The term "hacker" has traditionally been associated with malicious individuals who break into computer systems. However, in recent years, the term has taken on a new meaning. A hacker is someone who takes what already exists and makes it better. Hackers identify problems in existing systems and...

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Using Technology to Get Students Involved in Global Issues

World issues can be complex and difficult to understand, but it is our job as teachers to present these issues to students and teach them the impact these problems have on others. Getting students interested in global issues can be a challenging task. The average student isn't going to be...

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Humanizing Your Data: These Are Our Students, Not Stats

In today's world, data is king. We use data to make decisions about everything from what products to buy to where to send our kids to school. But what happens when we start to see students as data points instead of people?

The Pressure to Provide 

We always read articles or books about...

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3 Culturally Inclusive Skills That All Students And Teachers Should Have

In today's increasingly diverse world, it is more important than ever for students to be culturally aware, culturally sensitive, and have strong intercultural communication skills both within and outside the classroom. School leaders can play a key role in helping students develop these...

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Get to Know Your Students Because They Are People Too

Teachers play a vital role in the lives of their students. They are responsible for not only teaching them academic subjects, but also for helping them to develop into well-rounded individuals. However, the classroom is only one part of a student's life. Teachers are painfully unaware of the...

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