3 Reasons Why Project Based Learning Works

Before you continue reading this post, take some time to reflect on your own school experience.

Whether it was a few years ago, or a few decades ago, what are those learning experiences that you remember most? What were those experiences that kept you most engaged? Which experiences had the best...

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If We Expect Students to Collaborate, We Must Teach Them How

Collaboration is tough for adults and even tougher for kids. Want to teach collaboration more efficiently? Try this: 


Friction is the key to creating a quality outcome. We are remiss if we are not demonstrating for our students how to use...

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How To Overcome PBL Paralysis: Sneak Peek Inside Hacking Project Based Learning


PBL paralysis. That’s a scary phrase that makes many teachers run as fast and far as possible away from project-based learning.

Hacking Project Based Learning authors and PBL and inquiry learning experts Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy, though, explain how to overcome the paralysis and...

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