5 Ways to Cure The Introvert Hangover

By nature, introverts prefer calm, minimally stimulating environments. Sooner or later, all introverts will experience the dreaded 'introvert hangover,’ which is the feeling of being completely wiped out from too much ‘people time’ or stimulation. This can mean feeling fatigued,...

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Debunking 4 Common Misconceptions About Introverts

In every classroom, you'll find a diverse group of students with unique personalities and learning styles. Among them, introverts are a group that often feels misunderstood and overlooked.

Many people, teachers included, believe that introverts share common characteristics of being shy,...

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Develop Students' Inner Voice and Help Create Effective Learning Habits

There are several common responses that teachers receive when they ask the class a question. Sometimes students will respond quickly with the first thing that comes to their head and other times the default is "I don't know." Students tell themselves, "I can't" without even trying. 


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Use Asset-Based Feedback to Help Introverts Thrive

When you think of an introverted student you probably think of the quiet, reserved, and shy kid that prefers to listen during the duration of class instead of talk out. This is the stereotypical anti-social introvert. It is important to remember that not all introverts fit the stereotypical mold....

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Self Care for Teachers Through Thoughtful Journaling

Journaling is a great way to reflect on your experiences, both good and bad. It is a way to process your thoughts and feelings by putting them on paper and making them tangible. Journaling helps you understand yourself and grow as a person.

As teachers we can use journaling to reflect on our...

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Understanding Students Socially And Emotionally Is More Important Than Ever

In education, academics have long been the primary focus. However, an increasing recognition of the importance of social and emotional well-being has led educators to realize that understanding where students are socially and emotionally is just as vital as assessing their academic progress. In...

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Don't Take "I Don't Know" for An Answer

In classrooms around the world, a common response from students when faced with a question is often a sheepish, "I don't know." Sometimes when students answer with IDK, they actually mean it, but the majority of the time the IDK answer stems from something else. Being able to identify the reasons...

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Know Your Why and Effectively Communicate It to Anxious Students

Anxiety can manifest in students in a variety of ways. One way this happens is when teachers are inconsistent or lack clear expectations; it can make students feel anxious and uncertain. This can lead to students feeling lost and confused, which can make it difficult for them to learn. Educators...

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4 Common Missteps Educators Take in Supporting Students with Anxiety, and How to Correct Them

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can affect people of all ages, including students. Anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways, including physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and nausea, as well as behavioral symptoms such as avoidance, social withdrawal, and difficulty...

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Education: We Have a Quit Point Problem

By Adam Chamberlin

Despite two years of disrupted pandemic learning, educators hoped that this past year schools would return to normal—as if remote learning, hybrid schedules, and wearing masks would stop, and it would suddenly look like school again. At least that’s what they told...

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