Teaching Inclusivity Using Student-Centered Learning Activities

In today's increasingly diverse classrooms, it is more important than ever for teachers to be culturally inclusive. This means creating a learning environment where all students feel welcome, respected, and valued, regardless of their background or culture.

One way to create a culturally...

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We Cannot Be Inclusive Without Designing Accessible Instruction

By Kendra Nalubega-Booker

As educators and leaders, we can all agree that accessibility is essential for creating equitable and inclusive learning environments. Supporting the abilities of all students, regardless of their physical and mental abilities, requires access to learning materials,...

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Restorative Justice and Creating a Culture of Communication

Educators don’t always give students a voice when they make a mistake. Punitive systems require blaming one party and punishing them to address the behavior.

However, retaliatory consequences create a temporary bandage for an issue. They do very little to unveil the full story and bring all...

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Repair the Harm: Teaching students to take direct responsibility for their actions

Suspensions, detentions, and referrals to the office all have one common flaw: they are exclusionary processes.

Asher threw pencil + Finlee threw pencil = two referrals to the office. They are both removed from the class and “taught” a lesson through the consequence. Throwing pencils...

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Restorative Justice in the Classroom: 5 Ways to Create a Culture of Empathy and Responsibility

According to the Civil Rights Data Collection, of the 49 million students enrolled in public schools in 2011–2012, 3.5 million were suspended in-school, 3.45 million were suspended out-of-school, and 130,000 were expelled.

Another concerning fact from this source is that black students are...

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Throw Out Your Office Referral; Circle Up Instead

Traditional discipline calls for rules and consequences, detentions, suspensions, and other carrots and sticks. Most teachers and school leaders know this ancient system does not work. What’s the answer to poor student behavior and school and class disruption? It may be as simple as...

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