Radical Professional Development for Cultural Change

By Darcy Bakkegard

No doubt you’ve seen the headlines: record highs of the number of teachers leaving the profession, record lows in job satisfaction, and sky-high stress. As COVID fades (fingers crossed), the effects on teaching and learning keep stacking up.

Administrators at all levels...

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Improving the Focus of Today's School Leaders

School leaders are expected to be the driving force in education, inspiring their teams to give students their best. However, they face roadblocks as they enter their school buildings each day.

Unfortunately, school leaders, teachers, and staff often deal with the same problems:

  • low funding...
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Lead From Your Feet, Not Your Seat

By Jessica Cabeen

For far too long, elementary, and more specifically, early childhood, leaders have been looked down upon.

The hierarchy of leadership positions almost looks like the opposite trajectory of a student’s school experience. The most prestigious positions are those in the...

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