Get to Know Your Students Because They Are People Too

Teachers play a vital role in the lives of their students. They are responsible for not only teaching them academic subjects, but also for helping them to develop into well-rounded individuals. However, the classroom is only one part of a student's life. Teachers are painfully unaware of the...

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10 Easy Tips That All Educators Should Follow

Educators are always looking for ways to improve their teaching and help their students learn more effectively. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are a number of quick fixes that can make a big difference.

Here are 10 quick fixes that every educator can use:

  1. Get to know your...
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Deficit Thinking: A Barrier To Success

As education continues to change rapidly, it is essential to critically examine our perspectives on students' abilities and potential. Unfortunately, deficit thinking, a mindset that focuses on students' shortcomings rather than their strengths, has long plagued educational...

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Teaching Inclusivity Using Student-Centered Learning Activities

In today's increasingly diverse classrooms, it is more important than ever for teachers to be culturally inclusive. This means creating a learning environment where all students feel welcome, respected, and valued, regardless of their background or culture.

One way to create a culturally...

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Teaching Students Empathy Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is a critical skill for students to develop, as it allows them to build relationships with their peers, resolve conflicts, and make sound decisions.

Unfortunately, many students lack empathy. This is due to a...

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Understanding The Power of Words and Actions in Developing School Culture

A school leader is someone who has the responsibility of leading a school and developing school culture. This can include principals, teachers, staff, and students. School leaders play a vital role in the education of students. They are responsible for creating a positive and supportive learning...

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We Cannot Be Inclusive Without Designing Accessible Instruction

By Kendra Nalubega-Booker

As educators and leaders, we can all agree that accessibility is essential for creating equitable and inclusive learning environments. Supporting the abilities of all students, regardless of their physical and mental abilities, requires access to learning materials,...

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Can ChatGPT solve America's teacher shortage?

Because Times 10 Publications is in the problem-solving business and, let's be honest, we're fascinated by the viral sensation ChatGPT--the Artificial Intelligence that is solving problems with shocking speed, and suspect accuracy--we decided to ask it a few questions about America's teacher...

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Are you Engaged?

By James Alan Sturtevant

I’m passionate about student engagement. I’ve written books about it. I host a podcast about it. I’m all about student engagement, and I’m not alone. Engagement is a primary objective of most contemporary educators. Engaging lessons foster...

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Polarization is Negatively Impacting Our Youth—And They Know It

By Brian Deters

A recent poll by CNN indicated that an overwhelming majority of Americans claim to be exhausted by the political strife that has plagued our country for far too long now. The poll suggests that people believe we are close to a tipping point and that we need to come together.


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