4 Ways to Get Students Involved in Monitoring Their Progress

Progress monitoring is the process of tracking student learning over time. It is an important tool for teachers to use to identify students who are struggling and to provide them with the support they need. However, progress monitoring is something that students should be doing themselves as...

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Math Is Intimidating, But That Can Be A Good Thing

Everyday students face unique challenges in different classroom settings. Facing these challenges day after day can be very daunting for students. This can be especially true when learning math. 

What Makes Learning Math So Intimidating

There are several reasons that make math so...

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4 Teaching Strategies to Make Math Less Dreadful

Math is a subject that many students dread. It can be challenging, abstract, and seemingly unrelated to the real world. As a result, many students develop a negative attitude towards math, which can make it even more difficult to learn.

There are a number of reasons why students may find math...

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We Cannot Be Inclusive Without Designing Accessible Instruction

By Kendra Nalubega-Booker

As educators and leaders, we can all agree that accessibility is essential for creating equitable and inclusive learning environments. Supporting the abilities of all students, regardless of their physical and mental abilities, requires access to learning materials,...

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Balance Parent Meetings with Positivity

Dr. Kelsie Reed

I have been in several parent-teacher meetings where I could feel a parent's anxiety, frustration, and helplessness.

I remember one particular meeting where I chimed in to mention that while the team was currently discussing weaknesses, these limitations did not sum up...

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Personalized Learning—It Can Be Done

By Dr. Douglas Green

During the pandemic, after students returned to school, I observed a move toward personalized learning in the elementary school in the district where I independently observe.

I believe that this effort resulted in near-normal learning gains for almost all students in this...

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But I Have To Accept Late Work ... Don’t I?

By Elizabeth Jorgensen

In a Facebook group I’m part of, fellow teacher Jeralicia Crooms posted, “Many of our districts force us to accept late work. We’re not ‘allowed’ to hold students accountable. How do we make that work?” 

It’s a common...

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Do you Have a Shelly or Juan in Your Classroom?

Juan and Shelly are walking home from school, both looking down and kicking an empty, crushed soda can. Finally, Juan breaks the silence.

"Shelly, did you ask any questions in class today?"

"No," she says quietly. "The teachers hate me, and when they do call on me, the kids all laugh."


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5 Educator Must-Do's During Winter Break

Dear educator, winter break is finally here! It's time to relax and recharge before the new year. Here are five fun and healthy must-do's during your time away from the classroom:

1. Catch up on sleep.

Most educators could use more sleep. Likely you're nodding your head in agreement....

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The Surprising Truth about Classroom Management

For years, classroom management has been a huge part of the teacher training process. While this is an extremely important area to master, one fact that many new teachers don't realize when they're in their classrooms for the first time is that classroom management isn't really about...

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