10 Easy Tips That All Educators Should Follow

Educators are always looking for ways to improve their teaching and help their students learn more effectively. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are a number of quick fixes that can make a big difference.

Here are 10 quick fixes that every educator can use:

  1. Get to know your...
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6 General Principles All Teachers Should Use to Improve Classroom Management

Classroom management is one of the most important aspects of teaching. A well-managed classroom is a productive classroom, where students can learn and grow. However, classroom management can be challenging, especially for new teachers.

There are many different approaches to classroom...

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Teaching Students Empathy Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is a critical skill for students to develop, as it allows them to build relationships with their peers, resolve conflicts, and make sound decisions.

Unfortunately, many students lack empathy. This is due to a...

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Stages of Studenting to Empower Learners

By Wade McJacobs

During winter break, Jake’s father died in an altercation with police. He returned to school numb with grief. Teachers wondered what was reasonable to expect of him. How much extra time should they allow for Jake to complete assignments? What kind of adjustments could...

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5 Things You Learn from Classroom Management Books

There’s no end to what you can learn, and that applies to your classroom management techniques. If you’re looking for a way to improve engagement in class and you want to get more participation and more excitement out of the students, start checking out books. Here’s what...

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A Concerningly Empty Grade Book

By Tyler Rablin

I’ve heard it called an epidemic.

I’m talking about the amount of missing work at the secondary level. It truly defined the beginning of the school year. Teachers returned to the classroom excited to be back with students, try out new ideas, and engage in the type of...

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HALT! Four Ways to Curb Unexpected Student Behaviors

By Lisa Parry, M.Ed.

As educators, we would certainly rather invest a chip in staving off unexpected behaviors than a chunk to clean up the aftermath of an unfortunate episode. (Note: “Unexpected behavior” is a behavior deemed unusual in a particular context. For example, hollering...

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5 Hacks to Improve Questions and Answers in Your Classroom

Asking questions is one of the best ways to get students thinking about a topic. However, not all questions are created equal. Some questions are simply factual recitations or closed questions that can be easily answered with a yes or no.

To increase student engagement and understanding, ask...

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The Surprising Truth about Classroom Management

For years, classroom management has been a huge part of the teacher training process. While this is an extremely important area to master, one fact that many new teachers don't realize when they're in their classrooms for the first time is that classroom management isn't really about...

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Setting and Modeling High Expectations

In his popular book, Hacking Classroom Management, Utah English Teacher of the Year and sought-after speaker Mike Roberts brings you 10 quick and easy classroom management hacks that will make your classroom the place to be for all your students.

He shows you how to create an...

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