Chriss Romano Times 10 Author

Chrissy RomanoĀ is dedicated to teaching the whole child, stimulating and supporting innovation in classrooms, and strives to provide authentic learning experiences for her students. Her true passion lies in nurturing the quiet kids, those that tend to fall through the cracks, those that truly need a champion to support and advocate for them.

She is the author ofĀ Quiet Kids CountĀ (Times 10, 2019), which presents stories and strategies to make space for the quiet kids and find ways to amplify their voices and unleash their true potential. Connect with her at #CoffeeEdu each month in Park Ridge, NJ, onlineĀ @TheConnectedEduĀ or follow the hashtag #QuietKidsCount.

Books from Chrissy Romano


"This is a must-read for any teacher and administrator. This book will help teachers identify the difference between shy kids and introverts (not necessarily the same). Once you have identified the introvert(s) in your class you will be able to utilize and put into practice the tips/strategies here in the book to help your introverts shine in your classroom and quite possibly help your extroverts with their learning as well."