Transforming School Discipline: How Restorative Practices are Reducing Suspensions and Expulsions

Restorative practices in schools represent a transformative approach to discipline, focusing on repairing harm and rebuilding relationships rather than merely punishing misbehavior. This paradigm shift has gained traction in educational settings worldwide, yielding promising results in reducing suspensions and expulsions while fostering a more inclusive and supportive school environment.

Restorative practices are grounded in the principles of restorative justice, which emphasize accountability, empathy, and community. In a school context, this approach involves structured dialogues and activities where students, teachers, and parents collaboratively address behavioral issues and conflicts. The goal is to restore relationships and ensure that all parties understand the impact of their actions, thereby promoting a culture of mutual respect and cooperation.

One of the most compelling benefits of restorative practices is their impact on school discipline. Traditional punitive measures, such as suspensions and expulsions, often exacerbate the problems they aim to solve. Students who face exclusionary discipline are more likely to fall behind academically, disengage from school, and encounter further behavioral issues. In contrast, restorative practices focus on keeping students engaged in their learning environment while addressing the root causes of their behavior.

books on restorative practice

Numerous studies have documented the positive effects of restorative practices on school discipline. For example, research conducted by the University of Edinburgh found that schools implementing restorative practices saw a significant reduction in suspensions and expulsions. In a study of 26 schools in the UK, the use of restorative approaches led to a 40% decrease in suspensions and a 30% decrease in exclusions over a three-year period. This data highlights how restorative practices can effectively address behavioral issues while keeping students in school.

Similarly, a study by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) examined the impact of restorative practices in schools across several states in the U.S. The research revealed that schools implementing restorative practices experienced a 20% reduction in suspensions and a 50% reduction in expulsions compared to schools using traditional disciplinary methods. The study also noted improvements in student-teacher relationships and overall school climate, suggesting that restorative practices contribute to a more positive and supportive learning environment.

Moreover, restorative practices have been shown to enhance student outcomes beyond discipline. Schools that adopt restorative approaches often see improvements in academic performance, attendance, and student engagement. A study by the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) found that students in schools using restorative practices were more likely to feel connected to their school community and exhibit higher levels of academic achievement.

The implementation of restorative practices requires commitment and training for school staff, as well as active involvement from students and parents. It involves establishing clear protocols for restorative circles, mediation, and other collaborative processes. Successful implementation also relies on creating a school culture that values and practices empathy, respect, and accountability.

Finally, restorative practices offer a compelling alternative to traditional disciplinary methods. By focusing on repairing harm and fostering understanding, these practices not only reduce suspensions and expulsions but also enhance overall school climate and student outcomes. As more schools adopt restorative practices, the evidence continues to support their effectiveness in creating a more inclusive, supportive, and successful educational environment.

Image by Maike und Björn Bröskamp from Pixabay


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