How to De-Emphasize Grades and Create Meaningful Feedback in any Space
Starr is arguably the world’s leading authority on the no-grades classroom. She is a longtime teacher and author of several education books, including the bestselling Hacking Assessment: 10 Ways to Go Gradeless in a Traditional Grades School. Starr is National Board Certified and was a 2016 Emerging Leader with ASCD. A global voice of change in how learning is assessed, Starr co-moderates the Teachers Throwing Out Grades Facebook group.
Melanie is a high school STEM and Entrepreneurship teacher, presenter, and a former engineer. She helps teachers and students to solve problems in their communities and leads professional development for project-based learning, design thinking, and engineering education. Melanie is co-founder and CEO of Floop Edu, a feedback platform that helps teachers give feedback 4x faster and teaches students how to give, receive, and use feedback to learn.
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