136: How teachers and runners chase greatness

Running a marathon seems crazy to Mark Barnes. Teaching is often crazier. But being both marathon runner and teacher is unfathomable. Still, these unique individuals are littered across race courses and classrooms worldwide. And, what Mark has learned, from teacher and marathon runner Mike Roberts, is that these seemingly crazy people will never stop Chasing Greatness.

Listen to an excerpt from Roberts' new book, Chasing Greatness: 26.2 Ways Teaching Is Like Running a Marathon.

Look inside the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Greatness-Teaching-Running-Marathon/dp/1948212129/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=chasing+greatness&qid=1551291347&s=gateway&sr=8-3

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Show notes for this episode are at http://hacklearning.org/greatness

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