Times 10 Publications Blog Submission Guidelines
We're very pleased that you are interested in submitting a guest blog post for the Times 10 Publications Blog. Please read the submission guidelines below carefully if you are ready to get started.
What We Seek
Times 10 is all about problem-solving. We provide practical solutions that busy educators can read today and use tomorrow. Blog posts should present clearly-defined problems and step-by-step solutions for the problem—preferably, strategies that you or someone you know have implemented in a school or classroom.
Here are two excellent examples:
5 Simple Hacks to Improve Questions and Answers in Your Classroom
Improving the Focus of Today's Leaders
We Also Consider:
- Posts about recent developments, controversies, or research findings in education.
- Reactions to current events and their implications for schools and educators.
- Posts that feature Times 10 Publications books and how you implemented their strategies in your space.
- Personal stories on challenges you have faced as a teacher or school leader and how you overcame them.
- Posts on systemic changes that could impact teaching and learning on a global scale. (This kind of post should provide unique experiences and be a bit longer—up to 2,000 words)
What We Don't Publish:
- Less than 600 words in length
- Term or grad-school papers
- Research reviews or reports
- Press releases or product promotions
- Organizational position/policy statements (including those masked as articles)
- Attack pieces or political rants
Style and Acceptance
Our style is more conversational and less professorial. We don't want a ton of research or citations. We dislike platitudes, jargon, and 25-cent words.
We also do not accept posts that have been previously published, in print or online.
Times 10 Publications accepts or rejects posts based on our editorial needs. We do not offer payment for posts.
How to Submit a Blog Post
Articles submitted for the Times 10 Publications Blog should be 600–1,200 words long. They must be carefully edited, revised, and proofread.
Email your submission to [email protected] as an attachment to anā€Æemailā€Æmessage, preferably a single-spaced Word document.
Please do not paste the text into the email message or link to a Google doc.
Use the subject line “Times 10 Blog Post Submission" when submitting your piece.
Include a short author bio (70 words maximum), social media handles, and contact information in your email.
Other Important Considerations
If you have a relevant image, for which you own the rights, you may include it, understanding that we reserve the right to choose a different image for the post.
Please allow two weeks for a response before querying about the status of your submission.