In the bestselling Hacking Assessment, award-winning teacher and world-renowned formative assessment expert Starr Sackstein unravels one of education’s oldest mysteries: How to assess learning without grades – even in a school that uses numbers, letters, GPAs, and report cards.
While many educators can only muse about the possibility of a world without grades, teachers like Sackstein are reimagining education.
In this unique, eagerly-anticipated book, Sackstein shows you exactly how to create a remarkable no-grades classroom like hers, a vibrant place where students grow, share, thrive, and become independent learners who never ask, “What’s this worth?”
Want 100 more Strategies & Resources for going gradeless? See the new Hacking Assessment here.
This is an awesome book full of suggestions and implementation strategies for how to go gradeless. Perfect for setting up a project-based, reflection-based, type of classroom. Suggestions do seemed geared more towards middle and high school teachers, which I am not, but I was still very pleased.
This book is an amazing resource for educators to navigate the world of meaningful assessments as we move away from grades and focus more on student growth. It’s well written and informative with terrific examples and insights on different forms of assessments and strategies to implement them. As one of the most knowledgeable educators on the topic of assessments, Starr does a great job of sharing her expertise in a step by step approach that any teacher can understand and use.
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